For those of you interested in how badly the VA is behind in their work in your neck of the woods, check this out. It won’t speed things up but will give you an idea of the problem.


  1. woodguy11 says:

    Hello again Alec…..Can I use a claim from 1974 that the C&P exam dates were sent to wrong address so they closed it. It is in my str’s. I know I cannot claim it but can I use it for evidence? I filed for Hepititis 1 yr after discharge. Wishing you well Ray

    • asknod says:

      I think you can win it back to 74. I got mine back to 94 and I just succeeded in winning the LZ Cork one back to 1970. Presumption of mailing is an accepted way to win these. Think positive. VA screws everything up. I’d like to think it’s a miracle any of us get our just compensation.

  2. William Marnhout says:

    AM a veteran of not just service to my country, but multiple efforts over the decades in dealing with the VA for C&P issues. The VA here in Louisville uses the opinion of nurse practitioners as opposed to more legitimate examinations by physicians. There opinions, at least in my (2) cases borderline sarcastic and they seem to not only have no clue to the data presented, but are content to be derisive about the application, and then opine in a manner that is not only hard to follow, but results in a denial. Then you expend additional time, monies to garner additional expert opinions, and it results in a second denial??? Does anyone have a idea of how it can be researched , regarding the percentage of initial claims that are denied, as well as the follow up denial NOD for same diagnosis?

    • asknod says:

      Trust me, sir. Go to the column on the right and scroll down to to Tips and Tricks. The recipe is there. Your doctor has to write it in one specific fashion. Or buy my book on this. It’s like baking cookies- you are not allowed to substitute baking powder for baking soda. I file claims these days just to see if a new technique works . I’m at 290%.

  3. Thank you so much for your efforts,Sometime I just want to give up, Then I look at your book, Then I keep on trying, I am sure the VA might win I m now 78, not to great of health Again thank you for all your info, Please keep up the good work

  4. Pingback: VA MONDAY MORNING REPORTS | the504vetblog

  5. James Perry says:

    Would you not say the rump is part of the horse or the stirrup is part of the saddle? Why would the VARO Louisville get off scott free upon the prosecution and conviction of Jeffrey McGill and Daniel Parker for all those VA claims filed between 2003 and 2008? As a result McGill and Parker helped steal $4 million US Dollars and split between 13 of their friends or cohorts who were also individually prosecuted. Dean Toth was the last to be prosecuted this past February 2012. All that VA money comes out of the same pot and affects the available funds of those many veterans filing SC claims between those years. VSM R.E. Card shipped out to ARTCC, Anchorage AK it appears according to Asbury Press. Laura-Kuerzi Rogers, an understudy stepped right in to replace him and immediately receives a OPM incentive pay bonus and promotions QSI, bogus QSI, cash and upward mobility to Card’s former position from VA HQ and OPM Merit Pay. It appears to me everyone receives a “get-out-of-jail” card, collects the money and goes home? Secondly, how can a justice at the Veteran’s Court set aside rule of law, established medical reference, ignore prosecuted corruption and introduce his own “hip pocket copy” of Dorlands” to deny a claim. I suppose the judge is still the judge even when everyone else is right. On a single judge review right or wrong it appears to have very little to do with the case and claim. They at the veterans court act on a single judge review like you would expect from Hugo Chavez?

    • asknod says:

      You have just entered the Twilight Zone— Where no evidence is negative evidence; where a Western Blot Test can suddenly detect HCV; where no evidence of HCV in your medical records in 1968 is conclusive proof that you never had it in service; where smoking left-handed tobacco or excessive ETOH usage is considered a risk factor for HCV. The list goes on. What could be more natural than to step on your necktie at VA and get promoted? I believe it’s a prerequisite to attain GS-14.

      • James Perry says:

        The Twilight Zone is correct. HCV is not the issue nor drug abuse. We are speaking of secondary compliations with SC Type II diabetes or any legitimate claim for that matter? Whereas the regional office (insiders) ran a fraud ring for 5 years and 15 individuals including a GS-12 and the local DAV Rep were prosecuted as a result at the Louisville VARO. Have you not read about the exploits of McGill and Parker? Now factor all those claims both good and bad that went through this office and tell me VA has no obligation to case review each and every one submitted which was denied during that period? Tell me that no-one is responsible for waste, fraud and abuse up through the VA court? I do believe you about the necktie and GS-14. Federal civilans are eligible under Title 5 for up to three pay increases each fiscal year until step 5. QSI, bogus QSI, cash awards for bigger fish, merit promotions, and COLA from US OPM Merit Pay System. Check the pay out on federal employees at Asbury Press for FOIA releases.

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