Sorry for the late info but we’ve been running a race against time to combat the denial of my CAVC EAJA Fees on #15-0112. I have ten days to file for a Panel review. This evening we are going to go out onto thin ice, we being John, Jerrel and myself, and discuss who is the most pro-Vet candidate among the thinning herd of Presidential contestants and why. We will not be entertaining politics per se, but trying to touch on who would be the most beneficial to Veterans in the next four years. 

Please do call in and give us your opinion. I, for one, am undecided for any number of reasons. I vote a straight NRA/ Veterans ticket. Little else interests me. Bogus boondogles into far away country’s politics are going to have to be put on the back burner. China’s hegimony in the Spratley Islands is our biggest military threat since Iraqistan. Russia is now openly sailing it’s spyships past Georgia. They even plan to reopen a “base” on Cuba.

Whoever we choose as President is going to be required to take a different tack than in the past as we seem to have lost the respect of  the World Powers who joust with us for the upper hand. That will have grave repercussions on more and more of us as Vets. Additionally, this implies we may have more disabled Veterans in the future. As spending isn’t keeping up with VA’s requests (or is it vice versa), funding in the next four years will be critical. Any President unwilling to consider this possibility is not presidential material. We cannot simply turn tail and run because we refuse to allocate the money to be a Super Power.

And that’s all I’m going to say about that …until 1700 Local. I have to take my neighbor Butch Long of LZ Cork Fame in for an extensive x ray party to find all the metallic pieces because VA is not being honest in their appraisals of what constitutes retained metal fragments. If I am a tad late, sit tight. I’d never blow you all off. I look forward to a lively discussion on who and what we should be looking at.

Be there or be square. the call in number is

347-237-4819 (push #1 to talk)

About asknod

VA claims blogger
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